Suits & Sneakers! The New "It" Style!!!

Suits & Sneakers! The New "It" Style!!!


**********REPOST FROM APRIL 1, 2019**********

At one time in recent fashion history, it would have been absolute heresy for a man to wear sneakers with a business suit. Imagine the horror of a top movie star like Cary Grant as an Academy Award nominee, on the red carpet in a designer tux wearing sneakers! No fashion police back then, but they would have had a field day with that outfit. Well, times have changed, as they always do. There is no consensus how this cool trend actually began, but most believe the trend started with NBA players wearing their sneakers with suits as they entered the arenas.

The combination is refreshing! Male fashion had become stale and lacking in creativity especially when compared to female fashion.  And now men are not just wearing plain white sneakers, but full multi-color sneakers along with more creative wear such as patterned pants and stylish eyewear.

It may be awhile, however, before we see bankers and Wall Street traders heading into the office with sneakers in place of their oxfords, but for men in less rigid professional environments, the suit/sneaker combination works!

Kudos to all the fresh forward looking gents out there daring to be different, you’re looking great. As you head out the door, don’t forget your tres chic EyeDope sunglasses to top off your ensemble. Now that’s stylin’!


[author name="Carlyne Rachele" bio="Caribbean Travel Writer and frequent EyeDope Blogger" image="cr1.jpg" ] 

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